
At the intersect between education and technology

November, 2018

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EdTech is influencing education

It is almost impossible today to imagine a world without technology, even in schools. Technology has transformed the lifestyle of humans beings. For most of Gen Z, a world without technology has never even existed. These changes into a technological world have taken over many different fields. Technology is used in every part of an individuals life, be it in the form of work such as a digital marketing agency, or delivery of knowledge through education technology (EdTech). On the one hand, schools and institutions are consistently trying to adapt to technological innovations and offer the best form of knowledge to students. On the other hand, students have been utilizing different means of learning through technology. EdTech has influenced the manner in which students learn and schools teach. Here are 3 ways EdTech has influenced the overall learning environment.

  1. Accessibility of Knowledge

Technology has made knowledge much more easily accessible. One can simply type a question on a website and get answers. EdTech is similar in many ways. A lot of different platforms all over the world are based on particular education boards and classes. Therefore, a student can access information regarding topics one does not by simply checking the topics on one of these online platforms. Moreover, these platforms explore different means of teaching topics, be it through informative videos or through engagement. One of India’s leading EdTech startups thrives on teaching material through engagement with the students in a game manner. This has led the startup to gain a large audience and consistent results in the education of the users.

  1. Organization and Reminders

The influence EdTech has had can differ amongst the different age groups. One of the more common ways of utilizing technology for older students is to organize. A lot of different EdTech platforms such as MyStudyLife allow students to set reminders about their assignments and tests. There are also other EdTech apps that help in managing and organizing team projects and doing shared homework assignments.

  1. Teaching and Monitoring

Finally, EdTech also influences the learning environment in schools. While technology can be distracting, there are many developments in technology that create a better learning environment for students. Schools are also looking into technologies that help monitor student devices in order to maintain the focus of the students in class work. One such EdTech platform is NetRef, which allows teachers to monitor school and student-owned devices and make sure that the class stays free of distraction.

Overall, EdTech has influenced students and teachers in many different ways. In today’s world, a student has many means of gaining knowledge. Schools and Institutions are adapting to such technological innovations and utilizing it in order to create better learning environments for students. EdTech has made it possible for students to learn beyond the books and teachers to teach in many different ways.

Edtech – making sure your children gets the education they deserve

From shopping for pruritus ani ointment to making sure your child succeeds in the world, there is nothing that a parent wouldn’t do. However, a good education is the goal of nearly every parent. It is essential to do the best you can to make sure your child is in a learning-friendly environment. Here are 5 ways to make sure they are growing and learning at the right pace:

  1. Books, Books and More Books 

Reading is important for cognitive function. It is even something that impacts children before they are able to read. Make sure to read your child books before bed and make it a positive habit for them. This will ensure that they will be likely to read on their own when they are able.

Reading helps children learn more about the world, gain curiosity, learn words and so many other benefits. There is no reason to not start reading to your child as soon as possible.

  1. Gadgets are your Virtual Nanny and Teacher

While many parents dislike the idea of their child being in front of a screen for extended periods of time, there are many apps on the market which can aid with cognitive development and mental skills. Learning through play will encourage your child to learn more due to the positive association that learning is fun.

  1. Make Sure They Have the Best Early Education as Possible

It’s best to start as early as you can. There are so many daycares with developmental programs. This is a great way to have your child learn social skills early while also learning how to learn! Preschool is a great option and there are many kinds of preschools for each child’s needs.

Starting early is a strategy to get their brain in the works at a young age. It has been proven that children retain more than we think.

  1. Lead By Example

This is applicable to nearly every aspect of raising a child. Children learn most things from their parents, so what better way to show them the importance of learning than by leading by example? Take them to a library and read together or go to a museum. This is a way to make it a fun event to do together and for you to show your child that learning is timeless.

  1. Have Fun Learning Materials

Look for children’s stores and purchase learning toys. Children’s stores are a great place to buy educational puzzles, books and toys to assist in mental development. There are toy laptops and other gadgets which will make learning a joy.

Take these things into consideration and your child’s brain will always be at work with the mentally stimulating toys and book variety. It is best to keep them engaged in books and learning from an early age for you to escalate their cognitive development.

Taking education to a new standard with the digital classroom

For years, traditional education has been widely considered the be all and end all of education platforms. Students had to adhere to strict time schedules for classes and tutorials, as well as scheduling in study time off campus in between other factors in life. The reality is that, while traditional education methods do still work for millions of students – and likely will continue to do so – they simply do not work for all students anymore. The world is getting busier all the time, and the students of today (and all those who follow) want an education experience that can work with their lives, not take over their lives.

Enter online education. Online education is essentially a digital extension board to traditional learning methods. Instead of having to go to a campus for every class, students control how they carry out their studies. The benefits of pursuing online education instead of traditional learning methods are varying, but ultimately it comes down to three key factors: accessibility, accountability, and flexibility.


The most obvious factor that makes online education such a roaring success is that it provides a level of accessibility that traditional education methods simply cannot match. In allowing students to carry out their entire degree through their device screen, online education has established itself as the pioneering force for global accessibility for anyone who wants it. The only necessity? A sturdy internet connection.

Online education has also given rise to a steady stream of essay writing services that are designed to help you produce the best quality work that you possibly can. These kinds of assessment assistance services are designed to bring you the best quality work so that you can get more work done.


The whole concept of online education is based around a student-led core model of learning. At its core, what this means is that, essentially, online education takes student accountability to the next level. College or university is already an experience that demands a level of responsibility from its students that many of them are not yet familiar with, but online education takes this ideal to a whole new level.

Quite frankly, if you do not put the work in – and work hard – then you are responsible for the consequences of that failure to adhere to the standards that all students should hold in high regard. Just because online education is more flexible, does not mean that you should take advantage of that flexibility.


Being able to study at your own pace, on your own schedule, is beneficial for obvious reasons. Modern life is busy, and having the ability and the power to decide when, where, how, and why you study means that you are not only in charge of your own academic journey, but you are solely responsible if it comes crashing down around you.

Online education is not an excuse to be lazy. If anything, it is the opposite: online education is the perfect outlet to prove that you have the organisation, know how, and dedication to excel through your online studies, coming out of the other side accomplished and ready to take on the world after graduation.