
At the intersect between education and technology

Life Skills That Students Should Learn

The molding of minds is a sometimes thankless task and doesn’t always receive the credit it deserves. Whether or not they are acknowledged, the fact remains that teachers occupy a noble place and they play a part in building a successful society. 

A good teacher can help students secure promising futures, nurture positive development and much more. However, the sad truth is that no matter how good a teacher may be, once students graduate and leave the confines of the classroom, they may find themselves overwhelmed by how the real world works. 

Many of life’s essential skills can be said to be self-developed and not taught directly to us. Nevertheless, schools should stimulate the development of these skills in students such as providing students access to the best learning resources. Education should influence and pave the way for students’ development of essential life skills. 

After all, isn’t one of the primary purposes of education to prepare students for the real world?  

With that in mind, here are several life skills that every student should learn.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Aside from your school’s gym class which should motivate students to be physically active, other avenues for promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should exist. A healthy lifestyle does not only relate to physical fitness but also mental health. A staggering number of people suffer from mental/emotional illness and students should learn to be aware of and connected to their mental well-being. They should be aware of the differences, whether what they are suffering is stress or depression…etc. They should be encouraged to put effort into cultivating an emotionally/mentally healthy version of themselves instead of merely focusing on passing exams and getting good grades. 

Money management

A common issue faced by students (usually the younger ones) is how to handle their finances. A student may study accounting and finance academically but may lack a lasting realization of the importance of budgeting and saving. He/she may not fully understand the harm brought about by compulsive purchasing and may fall into a vicious cycle of buying unnecessary things. From gadgets to fashion items such as magnetic bracelets, it is important to maintain a clear grasp of what one needs to spend their money on. As with many other things, the knowledge brought about through real-world applications of classroom learning can be of vital importance here. 


The sad truth is that there are many people who display impressive success when it comes to their careers but are (in reality) desperately unhappy with their lives. In some instances, the cause of their condition can be attributed to parents and even teachers who may sometimes overemphasize the importance of attaining academic/professional success. This can have a negative impact on a student’s understanding of what it means to be successful. While academic and professional needs should be dealt with, students should simultaneously be taught to understand the importance of relationships. 

Time management

Although time should generally be spent productively, this does not necessarily mean stacking your schedule with working and learning. A well-rounded (and even more productive) human being is one who makes time for family and friends, for hobbies and for personal development as well. Learn to prioritize your overall health and maintain a positive outlook on life and at the same time, remain disciplined enough to know how much time you need to allocate to work.