History In Tech : Fleet Management
Are you someone who enjoys a good takeout? Perhaps the convenience of using ride shares interests you? Do you ever wonder how your smartphone can handle all the data in order to get you from point A to point B using a rideshare app?
Since the early 2010 rideshares, or the use of fleet logistics has surged the market. Anywhere from tracking your online package, pizza delivery or even your ride has been because of the use of transport management systems.
As early as the 1950s computers have been able to track and monitor items using a punch card system. Very similar to filling in your hours at work, the early computers made sure that vehicles during those times were tracked down in accordance to their attendance. During this era using computers were not as important nor proved to be useful until the 1980s Where the personal computers allowed businessmen and women to be mobilized onto the field to input data, ensure that certain vehicles were compatible with their users and connect to the internet. This new connection meant that the team that acquired and managed these vehicles were able to contact drivers, manufacturers much faster and in a more accurate result in information. The 1990s allowed the internet to mature more and resulted in new softwares that introduced driver support and management. Now communication was two ways, which ensure that tracking became faster and more accurate, in addition to any problems to be reported faster. Anything that the client would need the internet would be able to connect the drivers with the companies that managed them. Entering the age we are now in the 2000s, we see this surge in smartphone usage. Startups at this stage were fortunate for the businesses that paved the way for the ease in order to build the mega empires they have now. Acquisitions in cars, drivers and smartphones were all thanks to the early pioneers, and the newer generation lended themselves a sleeker look. Better customer interface and design allowed research to figure out what both ends of communication between driver and customer needs- allowing this take off management to be a virtual machinery of efficiency.
Fleet Management today is a result of their predecessors learning and tackling the industry as tit bends and merges with technology. The starting ground of mere inventory, to understanding the logistics behind the vehicle and drivers to the business men and women who were able to test their management skill in the field. Big Tech companies today seek to polish what traditional companies used their logistics for, adding new features to ensure more responsibility on both them and the driver to ensure that the client receives their package or the service that they ordered. With fleet managament’s rich history grounded in tech their new idea to conquer is the management for self driving cars, Will the rich history be able to tackle and adapt, this small history crunch might prove that whatever comes their way, with the right management technology and people, anything would be possible.