
At the intersect between education and technology

  • Why Our Growing Dependence On Technology In Schools Is Not Always A Good Thing

    The Naplan failure – which saw up to 60 percent of the Australian school students undertaking the online test experience connectivity issues and other technicalRead More

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  • Education Technology Is Bigger And Better Than It Has Ever Been

      In the academic space that spans the globe, there is quite a lot of attention to detail and overall focus placed around how toRead More

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Why Our Growing Dependence On Technology In Schools Is Not Always A Good Thing

The Naplan failure – which saw up to 60 percent of the Australian school students undertaking the online test experience connectivity issues and other technical glitches – has resulted in the widespread call to reassess how nationwide mandatory testing is delivered.  State education ministers, school authorities and teachers across the country were appalled when the national rollout of online testing ultimately failed, leaving students in tears and parents outraged as their tests froze or shut down part way through testing. In Western Australia alone, over 40,000 students were unable to complete their tests, causing distress among students who feared it would ultimately impact their grades and school standing.

Naplan, the annual assessment for Australian school students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, tests students’ literacy and numeracy skills as developed over time through the national school curriculum. Naplan has attracted controversy from day one, when the validity of the online testing system came under fire after it was found that students who completed NAPLAN online were disadvantaged compared with those who sat the traditional pen-and-paper tests. To date federal authorities have failed to address ongoing problems with NAPLAN testing, and last month’s massive failure has only fueled concerns about the online testing system. 

The Naplan issue is symbolic of a much larger one – that of what happens when technology fails in educational settings. I myself have taught numerous classes that ended prematurely or that failed because of a technological fault. A laptop that wasn’t able to connect to a projector, an educational video that didn’t stream, a student’s presentation that failed to load. It begs the question: are we doing ourselves a disservice, depending so heavily on technology for all aspects of teaching in today’s classroom? Admittedly, more often than not technology makes things easier and there is no denying its power to make learning more engaging and accessible, but have we taken it too far? While we celebrate the use of emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) in education, are we becoming so excitable over the possibilities technology offers us that we forget the importance of traditional skills like handwriting and note taking? And are we forgetting the step back we take when a computer fails to start at the start of a lesson or when we delete a major piece of work from our computer accidentally?

New York Times writer Therein Maria Konnikova in 2014 made a strong case for bringing back cursive handwriting in schools after evidence was published suggesting the links between handwriting and broader educational development run far deeper than we think. She argued that in our “money-driven quest to digitize and automate education” we are forgetting and neglecting the most important aspects of a child’s educational development. Children ought to be learning how to build sandcastles, stack building blocks and draw, not learning how to code.

We are constantly seeing the shift towards the digitalization of learning and measuring students’ personal growth and statistics, with kindergartens increasingly equipped with iPads and class presentations now considered mediocre unless they come with brilliant audiovisual effects. Beyond primary and secondary schools, we are also seeing traditional pen and paper exams such as the LSAT becoming digitalized. July 2019 will mark the first time in 71 years the notorious exam will be delivered digitally, meaning traditional LSAT prep and possibly one day even MCAT prep will no longer involve lengthy hours of essay writing practice but the filling out of online multiple choice practice tests. Students are no doubt celebrating the prospect, for is it not easier to click a button that get wrist-ache from speedwriting? No longer will university exam prep mean squeezing stress balls for hours on end to strengthen hand and wrist muscles. Boy were those tough times… 

Our growing dependence on technology for delivering important tasks and for storing confidential information has hurt us in the past. From the leaking of classified government information, to the millennium bug, we have experienced and seen firsthand the pitfalls and risks of technology but there are always two sides to the coin and Steve Gory, EdTech Strategist of BestGEDClasses.org, argues that, “limiting ourselves or regressing to traditional modes of education is stunting our growth. The world is moving forward and becoming increasingly digitized for a reason. We depend on computers to do our grunt work so we can focus on what’s truly important. Humans are limited by their bodies, computers can free us from our bodily limitations.”

Bill Gates argues technology is failing students and schools, in its inability to personalize learning to an extent where teachers are able to figure out how to help that particular student. The pitfalls of EdTech are myriad: technology in class can be distracting (one word, Facebook), educational computer games can hurt a student’s ability to apply the same mathematical principles in the real world or to a regular equation, online testing often doesn’t allow the user to return to an unanswered question, having access to Google tempts students to simply seek answers there, and of course then there is the loss of human connection in the classroom thanks to increased computer use, which is perhaps the most dangerous risk of all. But the simplest risk is that which the Naplan incident demonstrated – throwing all our eggs in one basket is a risky move. 

By depending so heavily on computers and online platforms to deliver testing and lessons, we run out of options should the technology fail. A pen is far more dependable, far safer a choice. I know which one I would choose. 

Education Technology Is Bigger And Better Than It Has Ever Been


In the academic space that spans the globe, there is quite a lot of attention to detail and overall focus placed around how to get the most out of the industry for all involved parties while also actively and consistently working towards finding bigger and better ways for the industry to function and thrive not just now but on an active an ongoing basis moving forward. In a world that is more and more focused on convenience and efficiency every other day, it should come as no surprise to anyone that we are seeing more emphasis surrounding his key initiatives.

The focus on education is one that is constantly being taken to new heights through ongoing innovations and further advancements, all of which are designed and intended to completely revolutionise and entirely transform the way that the industry functions and thrives at any given moment as well as all the innovators that brought to the table and built upon with the sole intent and purpose of completely transforming and further improving the industry for everyone involved. This of course includes not just current generations of teachers and learners but future generations as well.

The introduction of modernisation in academics

Like never before, technologies are becoming more focused on taking the gaps in traditional education and revolutionising them and turning them into strengths. We have seen an incredible amount of innovation and dedication towards the revolution and outward understanding of the incredible innovations that have taken education to new heights so far as well as all of the modernisation that had the significant potential to revolutionise education from here on out. the introduction of modernisation into academics is only just getting started. And the best is absolutely still yet to come.

Education technology is bigger and better than it has ever been

In such a relatively short time frame, EdTech has been able to revolutionise and positively transform educational standards on a grand international scale like never before. EdTech is all about bridging out some breaking down barriers to including a more accessible and inclusive approach towards education that allows anyone who would just have access to have that access and to be able to utilise it to their distinct advantage on an active and ongoing basis. Never before have we seen education in a position that is bigger and better than it is right now. And there is still so much left to be discovered and explored.

The advancements and enhancements in EdTech now and in the future

Of course, there is still so much to be discovered and explored in this ever evolving space.  This much we know. And when it comes to understanding the impact of modernisation of academics moving forward, there is a lot of focus and overall attention to detail surrounding everything that has flourished and unfolded up until this point as well as everything that is expected to continue to do so moving forward into the future and beyond. Just work any other field of interest (think business and the evolving roles such as resident director Australia, for instance), technological impact disempowering and emboldening education from the inside out and EdTech is right at the forefront of it all.

Empowering EdTech To All New Heights


There is so much happening all around us all the time that it can be absolutely overwhelming at the very best of times. We live in an era that is more focused on digital and technological design and representation than we have ever seen before. As a result, each and every innovation that has been brought to the forefront and powered forward, onward, and upward is all designs and focus with the sole intent and purpose of completely transforming the way that we experience navigate the world around us to a better place.

In the education industry specifically, there is quite a lot to be said about the fact that while this is an industry that has always operated quite successfully due to its essential nature, there are definitely gaps that have meant that this industry has not always functioned as successfully or as efficiently as it could. Through poor innovators like geographical proximity and financial cost, in the past the academic landscape has not always been highly successful or accessible to all those who wish to have access to it. Now, all of this is changing more and more rapidly.

Technology begins to impact education

Today, technologies reign supreme. And the impact on education has been swift and ongoing. The introduction of technological proficiency and design in education as I should forward an entirely new era wherein education is more focused than ever before on creating heightened access and opportunity for any and all students that wish to have it. The implementation of the modern era in education is a mirror reflection of the way that every other industry is evolving and adapting in the digital era. And it is ultimately just getting started.

Empowering EdTech to all new heights

As EdTech continues to rise to all new heights every other day, we are seeing further allowance and empowerment not only a bit in the moment but if everything that it means for the future a full stop education technology is designed in intended to prioritise convenience and efficiency and in this way it has proven time and time again that it is tremendously successful and that it is willing and able to adapt and realign with the way of the world at any given moment. Ultimately, one of the biggest and most valuable successes of education technology is the inclination towards making global education standards more accessible and inclusive.

What all of this means for the future of education

The fact is that there is definitely still so much left to be discovered and explored. Much like any other industry in the world (thanks skincare and the rise of revolutionary products like hyaluronic acid serum, for example), education is being made bigger and better by innovations just like EdTech that are completely capable and entirely focused on continuing to enhance and improve the human experience from the inside out. In a world where digitalisation and technological advancement are becoming more important and more prominent all the time, the interest and investment in innovations like education technology soars more every other day.

أهم ما ينبغي معرفته قبل اختيار شركة التداول في الأردن!

عبر السنوات الأخيرة لاحظنا حالة من الرواج غير المعهود للتداول عبر الفوركس في الأردن، وذلك للدرجة التي تجعل من المملكة الأردنية تحتل مكانتها ما بين مجموعة الدول الرائدة في هذا المجال الاستثماري، وقد ساعد على ذلك تعدد شركات التداول المرخصة في الأردن، والاهتمام الحكومي بهذا النوع من الأنشطة المالية ووضع هيكل تنظيمي له، بالإضافة إلى إقرار قانوناً خاصاً بشركات التداول في الأردن، ويذكر أيضاً انه يتم إقامة مؤتمراً دولياً لتجارة الفوركس سنوياً في الأردن، والذي عُقدت دورته السادسة عشر في عمان بالعام الماضي بمشاركة 50 شركة عربية وعالمية وعدد من البنوك العاملة في مجال تداول العملات والأسهم والمعادن الثمينة.

مزايا التداول في الأردن

  • تطوّر الاقتصاد الأردني والقوة السكانية بها، مما يعني زيادة العدد السكاني للطبقة المتوسطة نسبة إلى جميع السكان وبالتالي زيادة أعداد كل من المستهلكين والمستثمرين.
  • ازدياد أعداد السكان من الفئات الشابة المهتمة بالتعلم والبحث في التكنولوجيا الحديثة واستخدام الإنترنت بشكل دائم.

معايير اختيار شركة التداول

  • ألا تقل مدة تقديم الشركة لخدمات التداول عن سنتين.
  • توفر خدمة دعم عملاء سلسة ودائمة.
  • خضوع الشركة لجهة رقابية، وحيازتها ترخيص عالمي أو محلي، وتعتبر هيئة الأوراق المالية الأردنية (JSC) الجهة الرقابية المحلية الوحيدة المنوطة باعتماد شركات الوساطة بالسوق الأردني.
  • قدرة الشركة على تحقيق عمليات السحب والإيداع خلال يومين أو ثلاثة على الأكثر.
  • امتلاك الشركة تواجد على الصعيد الدولي.
  • يوصى باستبعاد الشركات التي تعتمد على منصات خاصة، ويفضل اختيار الشركة التي توفر إحدى المنصات العالمية المتطورة مثل منصة MetaTrader؛ لأن هذه المنصات أكثر مرونة وأسرع في تنفيذ الأوامر، ومن ثم فإنها تزيد من فرص عقد صفقات ناجحة والاستفادة من فروق الأسعار لحظة بلحظة.
  • التعرف على حجم فوارق الأسعار التي تتيحها شركة تداول الفوركس الأردنية، ومعرفة قيمة العمولات والرسوم المفروضة على عمليات التداول.
  • توظيف أشخاص يتحدثون اللغة العربية في الشركة حتى وإن كنت متقنًا للإنجليزية.
  • التعرف على أنواع الأدوات المالية المتوفرة من خلال الشركة؛ فكلما كانت متنوعة أكثر كلما زادت الفرص الاستثمارية، ويوصى باختيار شركة الوساطة التي تتيح تداول أزواج العملات بالإضافة إلى عقود مقابل الفروقات (CFD).

أفضل شركات التداول في الأردن لعام 2022

فيما يلي بعض أفضل شركات التداول في الأردن في العام 2022، وبعض مميزات كلٍ منها:

  • FXDD: حصلت على علامة (92.15%) – أفضل وسيط شامل
  • ICM capital: حصلت على علامة (91.10%) – أفضل وسيط للإيداع والسحب.
  • XTB: حصلت على علامة (85.55%) – أفضل وسيط لخدمة العملاء.
  • IG: حصلت على علامة (85.45%) – أفضل وسيط تنظيمي ومنصة مناسبة.
  • Saxobank: حصلت على علامة (80.09%) – أفضل منصة تداول خاصة متميزة.
  • CMC Markets: حصلت على علامة (80.07%) – توفر أكثر من 9000 أصل.
  • Think Markets: حصلت على علامة (80.05%) – الأكثر استهدافا من قبل المتداولين.

المنتجات المالية الأكثر رواجاً في الأردن

يمكن القول بأن المنتج المالي الأكثر رواجاً في الأردن هو تجارة الفوركس وتداول أزواج العملات، وفي ظل ذلك تتيح بعض شركات التداول المرخصة الفرصة لتداول ما يزيد عن 50 زوجاً من العملات، بينما تأتي المنتجات المالية الأخرى في مرتبة متأخرة نسبياً؛ حيث قد يعود ذلك لفرض القانون الأردني لقواعد صارمة على عقود مقابل الفروقات (CFD)، مما تسبب في توفرها لدى عدد محدود من شركات التداول الوسيطة.

EdTech changing the world of academics

In the world of education, it is safe to say that the industry has been historically traditional in its methods and models. Now, however, we are seeing the beginnings of technological disruption make their way into the sector. Known fondly as EdTech (or, education technology) this branch of tech and consequential digitalisation refers to any technological means or methods that have a hand in education or academics. Education is one of the most traditional industries in the world, and so the inclusion and positive embracement of technological infiltration is something that took some time for the industry – and its dedicated professionals – time to get used to.

Today, however, EdTech has proven its value tenfold, time and again. Whether it is students creating a writing services review after using an assessment help program, or educators setting up assessment feedback loops through automated uploads, or even the very nature of education in this modern age itself – the introduction of online education into the mix – there is something decidedly different about education these days. And EdTech is powering that different ideology. Education technology is not without its controversy, either. In fact, when whispers were first heard about the merits or downfalls of EdTech disrupting the academic sector, there was massive kickback from the industry. But that has all changed. And here are three reasons why.

Embracing the future of education

As with the rest of the world, the future of education is decidedly digital. Driven by technological advancement and further progression, education is going online. With the introduction of online education, EdTech has given life to an industry that previously was riddled with constraints. Through online education, students are no longer limited by geographical proximity or even financial strain – they can study from wherever, and whenever, they like.

Giving educators more time to focus

One of the most exciting parts about EdTech is that it presents educators with the opportunity and the means to make their jobs easier in some respects, allowing for them to spend more time on the part of their jobs that matters the most – the students. Automation of some of the most time-consuming and tedious tasks in an educator’s job gives room for them to spend more time focusing on the progression and wellbeing of their students. The tedious parts of the job may be just that, but they are also necessary. In allowing automation to take them off the hands of educators, EdTech has made their jobs infinitely easier.

Creating a united front

EdTech was unfamiliar to people when it first came to fruition. This unfamiliarity made industry professionals feel uncomfortable and unsure, even aggressively apprehensive about its inclusion in their chosen career field. There was the belief that EdTech would cause sever disruptions, even fracturing the parts of education that gave them their jobs, that established them as key contributors to education’s success. Over time, however, it became exceedingly apparent that EdTech is designed not to alienate and take over, but to work in collaboration and to strengthen the field. Automation of tedious tasks and the introduction of global inclusivity via online education are just a few of the ways that EdTech has positively revolutionised the academic industry.

Education technology pioneering the future workforce into motion

Since the first whispers of EdTech (education technology) began to infiltrate the education sector, there has been ongoing conversation and fierce debate surrounding the morality and the true reaches of such a technological force. There have been those that worried EdTech would take away valuable jobs for educators, and there are those who passionately campaigned for it to be shut down in its initial stages of development and implementation. Despite all the controversy surrounding its potential, EdTech has successfully proven itself to be exactly what it said it would be: a form of strength for the education sector as it heads into uncertain times.

The true power of EdTech lies not in replacing educators and taking away valuable jobs, but in working in alignment with educators to forge a stronger education system that spans around the entire globe. But why is that power so necessary, so prevalent in its early stages, even now? EdTech is so important because it is the dominating force in propelling the future workforce into motion, bringing it closer to being the now rather than the near future. In short, EdTech is preparing students for the workforce that they will enter – which just so happens to be different than the workforce that is currently in existence.

No matter what it is that students in this current generation are studying – be it business, the arts, fashion, mechanics, etc – EdTech is being utilised within and outside of their classroom of choice (traditional brick and mortar or via online learning) as a series of apt tools that make the learning experience of those students so well-suited for the future. For example, a fashion student designing the perfect clutch to complete their graduate portfolio now uses online drawing platforms to bring and store their designs in one simple flourish for easy presentation, self-preservation, and future referral. In business, EdTech stores all semester lectures and tutorials in one place, making it easy to go back and study when the time comes.

And so the evolution goes, on and on. For every degree, every single certification, there is now a place for EdTech in every industry’s academic standards. The future workforce is going to be designed around digital enhancement and technological utilisation – we are seeing this transition happen even now. The future is well on its way. And that is why the modern student is using EdTech more and more, so that they can find their place comfortably in the future workforce without feeling like they are grasping at straws in miscounted efforts to find their footing in a workforce that, were it not for EdTech, they would be largely unprepared for.

The education sector has found itself at the centre of increasing technological and digital disruption for a few years now, and that disruption has exploded in the last year or so to become a full-fledged innovation that has entirely transformed both modern education and the potential for students to be more adequately prepared for the workforce they are set to enter into. In this modern era, digitalisation and technology reign supreme, even now, and so it makes perfect sense that the education industry is riddled with incredible feats of EdTech.

EdTech is influencing education

It is almost impossible today to imagine a world without technology, even in schools. Technology has transformed the lifestyle of humans beings. For most of Gen Z, a world without technology has never even existed. These changes into a technological world have taken over many different fields. Technology is used in every part of an individuals life, be it in the form of work such as a digital marketing agency, or delivery of knowledge through education technology (EdTech). On the one hand, schools and institutions are consistently trying to adapt to technological innovations and offer the best form of knowledge to students. On the other hand, students have been utilizing different means of learning through technology. EdTech has influenced the manner in which students learn and schools teach. Here are 3 ways EdTech has influenced the overall learning environment.

  1. Accessibility of Knowledge

Technology has made knowledge much more easily accessible. One can simply type a question on a website and get answers. EdTech is similar in many ways. A lot of different platforms all over the world are based on particular education boards and classes. Therefore, a student can access information regarding topics one does not by simply checking the topics on one of these online platforms. Moreover, these platforms explore different means of teaching topics, be it through informative videos or through engagement. One of India’s leading EdTech startups thrives on teaching material through engagement with the students in a game manner. This has led the startup to gain a large audience and consistent results in the education of the users.

  1. Organization and Reminders

The influence EdTech has had can differ amongst the different age groups. One of the more common ways of utilizing technology for older students is to organize. A lot of different EdTech platforms such as MyStudyLife allow students to set reminders about their assignments and tests. There are also other EdTech apps that help in managing and organizing team projects and doing shared homework assignments.

  1. Teaching and Monitoring

Finally, EdTech also influences the learning environment in schools. While technology can be distracting, there are many developments in technology that create a better learning environment for students. Schools are also looking into technologies that help monitor student devices in order to maintain the focus of the students in class work. One such EdTech platform is NetRef, which allows teachers to monitor school and student-owned devices and make sure that the class stays free of distraction.

Overall, EdTech has influenced students and teachers in many different ways. In today’s world, a student has many means of gaining knowledge. Schools and Institutions are adapting to such technological innovations and utilizing it in order to create better learning environments for students. EdTech has made it possible for students to learn beyond the books and teachers to teach in many different ways.

Edtech – making sure your children gets the education they deserve

From shopping for pruritus ani ointment to making sure your child succeeds in the world, there is nothing that a parent wouldn’t do. However, a good education is the goal of nearly every parent. It is essential to do the best you can to make sure your child is in a learning-friendly environment. Here are 5 ways to make sure they are growing and learning at the right pace:

  1. Books, Books and More Books 

Reading is important for cognitive function. It is even something that impacts children before they are able to read. Make sure to read your child books before bed and make it a positive habit for them. This will ensure that they will be likely to read on their own when they are able.

Reading helps children learn more about the world, gain curiosity, learn words and so many other benefits. There is no reason to not start reading to your child as soon as possible.

  1. Gadgets are your Virtual Nanny and Teacher

While many parents dislike the idea of their child being in front of a screen for extended periods of time, there are many apps on the market which can aid with cognitive development and mental skills. Learning through play will encourage your child to learn more due to the positive association that learning is fun.

  1. Make Sure They Have the Best Early Education as Possible

It’s best to start as early as you can. There are so many daycares with developmental programs. This is a great way to have your child learn social skills early while also learning how to learn! Preschool is a great option and there are many kinds of preschools for each child’s needs.

Starting early is a strategy to get their brain in the works at a young age. It has been proven that children retain more than we think.

  1. Lead By Example

This is applicable to nearly every aspect of raising a child. Children learn most things from their parents, so what better way to show them the importance of learning than by leading by example? Take them to a library and read together or go to a museum. This is a way to make it a fun event to do together and for you to show your child that learning is timeless.

  1. Have Fun Learning Materials

Look for children’s stores and purchase learning toys. Children’s stores are a great place to buy educational puzzles, books and toys to assist in mental development. There are toy laptops and other gadgets which will make learning a joy.

Take these things into consideration and your child’s brain will always be at work with the mentally stimulating toys and book variety. It is best to keep them engaged in books and learning from an early age for you to escalate their cognitive development.

Taking education to a new standard with the digital classroom

For years, traditional education has been widely considered the be all and end all of education platforms. Students had to adhere to strict time schedules for classes and tutorials, as well as scheduling in study time off campus in between other factors in life. The reality is that, while traditional education methods do still work for millions of students – and likely will continue to do so – they simply do not work for all students anymore. The world is getting busier all the time, and the students of today (and all those who follow) want an education experience that can work with their lives, not take over their lives.

Enter online education. Online education is essentially a digital extension board to traditional learning methods. Instead of having to go to a campus for every class, students control how they carry out their studies. The benefits of pursuing online education instead of traditional learning methods are varying, but ultimately it comes down to three key factors: accessibility, accountability, and flexibility.


The most obvious factor that makes online education such a roaring success is that it provides a level of accessibility that traditional education methods simply cannot match. In allowing students to carry out their entire degree through their device screen, online education has established itself as the pioneering force for global accessibility for anyone who wants it. The only necessity? A sturdy internet connection.

Online education has also given rise to a steady stream of essay writing services that are designed to help you produce the best quality work that you possibly can. These kinds of assessment assistance services are designed to bring you the best quality work so that you can get more work done.


The whole concept of online education is based around a student-led core model of learning. At its core, what this means is that, essentially, online education takes student accountability to the next level. College or university is already an experience that demands a level of responsibility from its students that many of them are not yet familiar with, but online education takes this ideal to a whole new level.

Quite frankly, if you do not put the work in – and work hard – then you are responsible for the consequences of that failure to adhere to the standards that all students should hold in high regard. Just because online education is more flexible, does not mean that you should take advantage of that flexibility.


Being able to study at your own pace, on your own schedule, is beneficial for obvious reasons. Modern life is busy, and having the ability and the power to decide when, where, how, and why you study means that you are not only in charge of your own academic journey, but you are solely responsible if it comes crashing down around you.

Online education is not an excuse to be lazy. If anything, it is the opposite: online education is the perfect outlet to prove that you have the organisation, know how, and dedication to excel through your online studies, coming out of the other side accomplished and ready to take on the world after graduation.

Millennials are combining education and technology

For the last ten years or so, technology has been entirely shifting and reshaping various industries. Everywhere one looks, it seems that the impact of technology has been felt on some level. The education industry, for instance, has been dramatically changed in the last few years, with evolutions in aspects of education like the data science test or submission platforms being some of the most instrumental in the evolution of the education industry. The reality is that, as the whole world has gone steadily more and more tech-savvy, so have the people that exist within it. What this means for industries the world over is that they are finding themselves amid a transitory era that seeks to change not only the individuals behind them and supporting them, but the industries themselves.

For education specifically, the biggest change has come in the form of open education. Open education is essentially an extension of traditional education in that it has taken historically successful principles and turned them into a learning platform that technologically efficient generations can and do want to embrace. Paper textbooks have been replaced by digital versions – a similar thing has happened to the submission process in most higher education institutions. Entire courses are now offered online, giving students easier access to education around the world.

Millennials are combining technology and education in a way that was previously unheard of. Not only are students from the younger generations born into a world where technology means that a world of opportunities lay in the palms of their hands (literally, through their phone screens), but they expect everything that they encounter to have the same kind of technological proficiency as they do. Millennial students want to learn (perhaps more than any earlier generations) but it is the time that they lack; there is not enough time for them to schedule in the rest of their lives around university classes.

The students of today are vastly different to past generations of learners, and their presence is being felt long after they graduate and move into their respective career fields. In fact, since 2015, millennials are the most dominant generation in the workforce of today. The average millennial student works full time or insane hours at work, studies a full course load, and must find time to slot in personal and social time with loved ones as well as partaking in hobbies that make them happy. Because of this, many would-be students opt out of traditional learning methods and experiences because they simply do not have the time or the will to commit to them in the very tight schedule that they are offered.

This is where education and technology collide. The newest technologies in education have made various learnings and opportunities possible; from online classrooms to virtual textbooks, millennials’ tech-savvy lifestyle has kick-started a revolution that has combined education and technology to forge a future for education that is modernised, convenient, and efficient – all things that many millennials feel the traditional education system does not offer.